Sunday, November 11, 2007


Estacada Timber Park:
Maybe the most epic, definitive day you could have for a course and the conditions in the history of the world.

I raced Master Cs and stayed all day for the Unofficial World SS CX Championships in the afternoon. Humbling is one word that comes to mind... Respect to all you guys and gals that pull off this shit in one gear without puking.

There were probably more but I saw like 12 Speedvaagen out there today... 2 grays, 1 pink, 1 raw, 1 red, 2 blues, 5 white team issues.

I'll see what pics I can get up here. It was good mud today, really.

[ BTW- thanks to all the Vets out there. ]

Links to chase:
Cross Crusade chat
Unofficial World SS Cyclocross Championship site
Confirmed riders for the SS CX