Sunday, August 5, 2007

It's on

August 3. Countdown to Speedvagen has begun.


tjh said...

do tell! I'm in line as well. what have you heard? are the dropout and posts in? ahhhhhhrghhhh. must remain calm.

Andy Askren said...

Nope, haven't heard anything new yet, but was over there the other day and saw big bunches of tubing that looked like it had just been received. Not sure if it was destined for Vagens or not, but quantity-wise it looked like it could be. Sadly UberVagen was not in the house at the time...

tjh said...

I was in portland a few weeks back. Got to ride w/ sacha...

Andy Askren said...

Nice site bro. Great story too! I'll keep an ear out/eye on for developments on how close we're getting to 11...