Sunday, November 11, 2007


Estacada Timber Park:
Maybe the most epic, definitive day you could have for a course and the conditions in the history of the world.

I raced Master Cs and stayed all day for the Unofficial World SS CX Championships in the afternoon. Humbling is one word that comes to mind... Respect to all you guys and gals that pull off this shit in one gear without puking.

There were probably more but I saw like 12 Speedvaagen out there today... 2 grays, 1 pink, 1 raw, 1 red, 2 blues, 5 white team issues.

I'll see what pics I can get up here. It was good mud today, really.

[ BTW- thanks to all the Vets out there. ]

Links to chase:
Cross Crusade chat
Unofficial World SS Cyclocross Championship site
Confirmed riders for the SS CX


Fixie Rider said...

Sweet Andy,

I would love to see the pics. That must be a record for most Speedvaagen in one place!

I had a great weekend of racing out at Fort Flagler. My finish on Saturday gave me enought points to move up into 11th place in the Single Speed series up here in Seattle. So guess what? I started in 11th place on the 11th day of the 11 month today. You gotta know what that meant - I came in 11th place in the race today, The Day of the Speedvagen! The power of the Unicorn was in full effect. Oh Yeah!!

Andy Askren said...

Fixie dude that is just surreal! Way to effing roll!!! You are my new hero.

tjh said...

ah, nothing makes you look faster than a long sleeve skin...oh and a speedvagen.

I soooo wish i was there. my mind is working over time on how to finance an SS speedvagen.

ps. kitty works for leo burnett and has a wicked sense of if you couldn't already tell.

Fixie Rider said...

Hey Andy,

I will be in Portland this weekend for the Cross Bros races. I'm signed up for the SS race both days (10 AM). Are you going to be racing or attending the festivities?

Andy Askren said...

Yo Fixie, my race SADLY begins at 8:30-- and I have my 3 girls with me this weekend, so I highly doubt I can make that time. But I do plan on going to cheer and oggle, so I'll look for ya at your 10 or just after.

Man, so this is the end of cross racing til 08? I hate this part.

Fixie Rider said...

Hi Andy,

See you on Saturday. I will be the guy in the Second Ascent kit riding with the Unicorn :-)